The Initial Friend

Non-profit lifer, musicologist, writer in my head

Wow. Didn’t expect to see you here. Uh, thanks for clicking through to this page. If you don’t know, The Initial Friend is the name of one of Rilo Kiley’s first releases, used with some kind of permission via a Facebook chat.

My name is Michele, but I will also respond to Shelma. I’m an ordinary woman from Southern California, which is to say, I am on the verge of extraordinary. I’m a culturally-driven humanist with a background in musicology and a commitment to mission and cause work. I’ve traveled, been a concert photographer, worked with models and athletes, and successfully harvested a tomato grown from seed.

I’m also a relatively new mostly-vegetarian, making substitutions left and right for my partner who is a newly full-time vegetarian and the pickiest person I’ve ever met in my life. Don’t worry, I’m picky, too. 

I’m here to provide perspective and to overthink so you don’t have to. Topics will include food, politics, music, art, culture, non-profit work, and probably some health topics as well.